This comprehensive, thoroughly researched archive offers a compelling argument for re-locating feminism (in all its forms) as a fundamental force, shaping the political dynamics of performance art from its formative years up to the present.
After three years of project development, seven exhibitions across Europe and numerous events – we are very happy to present the RE.ACT.FEMINISM book. It explores feminist, gender-critical and queer performance art, which played a key role in the development of performance. The project brought together works by over 180 artists and artist collectives from the 1960s to the early 1980s, as well as contemporary positions from Eastern and Western Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, the USA and Latin America. The book includes essays by curators and scholars Kathrin Becker, Mathias Danbolt, Eleonora Fabião, Bettina Knaup, Laima Kreivytė / Oxana Sarkisyan / Mare Tralla / Reet Varblane, Laurence Rassel / Linda Valdés, Angelika Richter and Rebecca Schneider, several visual essays, more than 200 illustrations, the biographies of all 180+ participating artists and an appendix with German translations.
RE.ACT.FEMINISM is a project of immense importance for the recent history of art worldwide. The publication RE.ACT.FEMINISM #2 – a performing archive is a further invaluable manifestation and documentation of the brilliant work that has been done by cross links e.V. in the fields of research and archiving, of theory and discourse, and in curating performances and exhibitions of feminist art, thereby giving evidence of this most crucial artistic and political contribution. (Silvia Eiblmayr, curator and author, Vienna)
This publication is available at ERSTE Foundation Library.