This documentary, titled Non-Movement (Nepokret), is an intimate story of the one Sarajevo neighborhood, Džidžikovac, involving Bosnian artist Nebojša Šerić Shoba who lives in New York for past 15 years and was grown up in Džidžikovac.
The documentary is directed by Enes Zlatar and talks about the generation born in the late 60ies and early 70ies of the 20th century. In the documentary participated 17 members of “Non-Movement” that was initiated in the early 80-ies. They reminiscence of the time of their youth and compare it with today. What kind of movement was Nepokret? Who were its drivers and members? What ideas did they represent? What kind of music did they play? Is the fixed (unrecognized) avant-garde with the meaning of the predecessor of a new time or utopia? The dream of the “ideal society”, which is always easier to realize in a smaller box in this case, its physical boundaries are the boundaries of a Sarajevo card – Džidžikovac.
Enes Zlatar was born in Sarajevo in 1970. In his early years, he has been engaged in music and video. With his band, Sikter released three albums. He is the author of film music for films Go West, Grbavica and Sasvim Pično. He won twice the Bosnian music awards Davorin for the direction of the music video, and his short films Telepatia, Reliable Paus and Thailand, which have been shown at numerous festivals.
This publication is available at ERSTE Foundation Library.