An animated episode of the story House of the Hedgehog by Branko Ćopić was selected to be produced for the project Individual Utopias Now and Then because of the idea that is presented in the story. Hedgehog reminds us all to care for the places where we live, for our natural habitat, and that our individual utopias can be realised in our home.
As Hedgehog said: “My home is my castle.” House of the Hedgehog is about Hedgehog who lives in an old hollow tree trunk in the forest. One day he is invited to dinner by Miss Fox who lives in a lavish, glamorous house. They eat, drink and enjoy conversation until late at night but even after Miss Fox insists that he stay and spend the night in her rich and comfortable house, Hedgehog refuses and heads back home. Miss Fox is surprised, even a bit insulted that her hospitality was rejected and wants to see why. She follows Hedgehog in the shadow of the night through the thick forest. On her way she meets a wolf, a bear and a boar. They all join her, curious as to why Hedgehog loves his house so much. They suspect that he lives in unimaginable wealth, but they are surprised to see what the truth really is…
This publication is available at ERSTE Foundation Library.