ERSTE Foundation publishes annually a report with information and figures related to its work.
The motto of this year’s report, “A Quintessence of Civility”, is borrowed from the beautiful book Bee by Claire Preston. She has a high opinion of bees (rightly so, we think) and, in terms of ethos, puts them on a par with the friendly ecosystem they live in and on. In our updated policy paper, in which we describe our ecosystem of philanthropy and responsibility, we put it this way: Bees take what they need by giving what is needed. We would like to live in such a world. That is what we are working for.
The refreshed report presents the development of the foundation’s participating interests in Erste Group, its core projects and areas of activity, and the decision-making team and boards. In addition, it provides the foundation’s financial statement and gives an overview of developments planned for the future.