Exhibition organised in the frame of the project C4R (Cultures for Resilience), by tranzit.ro, in collaboration with Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée (FR), Casco Art Institute (NL), Nethood (CH) and in partnership with The Romanian Order of Architects.
Venue: The Romanian Order of Architects, Str. Pictor Arthur Verona nr. 19, Sector 1, București
A hybrid, research exhibition comprising documentation produced in the C4R activities, artworks and documents related to a localised understanding of resilience.
An apple made from dried apples, lend to the exhibition by artist Martin Piacek, to accompany a short film from his countryside initiative, The Rajka orchard. A plant in a lamp, lend to the exhibition by poet V. Leac, to accompany a short film from his countryside initiative, The Dendrology Park in Romanii de Jos.
In the framework of the C4R project, tranzit.ro has looked at practices that redefine the relationship with the countryside, with land and soil, with nature, with food and natural resources, with the rural communities and also with people in the big cities who are looking for sustainable alternatives to their lives.
All the partners in this EU-funded project have used a variety of tools: anthropological and cultural mapping, conferences, discussions and seminars as well as digital platforms, in order to highlight different forms of resilience in our societies, in the East, West and North of Europe, touching on issues from the circuit of organic food, to sustainable building materials, forms of commons and of governance, communities structured around ecological thinking and action, and not least artistic initiatives that seek for linking with nature and the countryside.
Photo taken by anthropologist Alexandru Vartej on his research of Nettle Garden. A carpenter’s tool, lend to the exhibition by artists Irina Botea and Jon Dean, to accompany a short film from their countryside initiative, Radesti House.
Some of these different understandings of the concept of resilience will be reflected in the exhibition Now the impulse is to live!. As part of a project that is still in progress, the exhibition offers a format for continuous reflection on the topics researched. Materials included comprise documentation generated by the project (interviews, texts, photo material), sketches and plans, maps, artworks commissioned for the project (drawings, photographs, video, sound), archival material and others.
The C4R project aims to foster resilient and inclusive European societies by developing participatory cultural practices of resilience and ensuring social transversality. C4R offers conditions for the production and dissemination of a diversity of cultures of resilience to counterbalance the over-hype of catastrophist productions and to influence and transform European collective imaginaries.
For information on participants, visiting hours and connected activities visit please tranzit.ro.
Cover picture: Photo taken by architect Alex Axinte on his research of Luca’s Farm (Ograda lui Luca). The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a statement made by Luca in his discussion to Alex.