Artists: Eliahu Adler, Liliana Basarab, Pied la Biche, Z. Blace & Co, Irina Botea & Jon Dean, Anetta Mona Chișa & Lucia Tkáčová, Eduard Constantin, Josef Dabernig, George Doroș, Enric Fort Ballester, Florin Flueras, Henry / Bragg, Adriana Ghiață & Eleodor Unguraș, Vlatka Horvat, Tadija Janičić, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, V. Leac, Maria Marshall, Dan Perjovschi, Corneliu Porumboiu, Cristian Rusu, Cristian Răduță, Gabriele de Santis, Sergiu Sas, Șerban Savu, Fin Simonetti, Dorian Szasz, Davide Tidoni, Iulia Toma, Mona Vătămanu & Florin Tudor, Alexandru Vitzentzatos
Guided tours: Stadion de cartier
Archives: Aurel Dula, Fotbal Feminin România, Minerva Archive, Gabriel M. Stoica
Imagine you are at a football match where you don’t follow the ball, but a single player. Or only the coaches. Or you find yourself paying homage to the referees. Imagine how during that game you only follow the gestures and the tension between the galleries. Or imagine that either the ball or the players take turns disappearing. Imagine the positions of the players are, in fact, political move(ment)s. Or the supporters become one and the same with the heraldry they support.
The CORNER team stages an exhibition where the complexity of a football game and of the stadium is reconstructed through artistic interpretations belonging to visual, conceptual and performance art, cinematography, sound art, documentation and other hybrid forms such as tours of cultural and sports objectives. This way, players, referees, coaches, supporters, as well as the conventions or rituals of the football game are imagined in a sports hall, tracing the interpretation of the stadium space which represents them, but also the relations between them, searching for the formation of new meanings. The stadium is interpreted as a green cube, a stage where the spectacle has the underlayer of a continuous fight for power, capital and image; here is the place where identities are defined and cultures are born.
The exhibition “Football. Realism of the game” comprises works published in the CORNER magazine, works commissioned for the exhibitions, photographic archives, works found in museums and private collections and many more.
For this project, the historical building Floreasca Sports Hall / „Lucian Grigorescu” plays a significant role in implementing the concept of stadium imaginary reconstruction in a contemporary art exhibition.
A project by CORNER football + society
Organized by tranzit. ro / București
For more details please visit the exhibition homepage of
Cover picture: Photo of a football match in the 1980s, from the archive of Aurel Dula.