Eine Bühne für Osteuropa with Vladimir Sorokin

Moderation by Cathrin Kahlweit, the reading by Philipp Hauß


Eine Bühne für Osteuropa: Putin’s revenge, Putin’s opponents

In Vladimir Putin’s Russia, critics are silenced; anyone who calls his regime a dictatorship or his “special operation” a war is sent to prison. Vladimir Sorokin, one of Russia’s best-known and most exciting writers, has been a fierce critic of Putin for two decades; his books have been censored and destroyed and are now banned. Sorokin has lived in Berlin since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He follows the development of his home country with concern and bitterness, but not without hope.


Vladimir Sorokin – author
Moderated by Cathrin Kahlweit

Wladimir Sorokin © Maria Sorokina

Vladimir Sorokin, born in 1955, is considered Russia’s most important contemporary writer. He became famous with works such as The Queue, Marina’s Thirtieth Love and Blue Lard. Among contemporary Russian authors, no one writes as visionary, clever and funny as Vladimir Sorokin. Sorokin now lives in Berlin and co-founded the local PEN.

Philipp Hauß reads from Vladimir Sorokin’s latest book, Doctor Garin. Doctor Garin is a grotesquely comic road trip through a post-human world of chaos and war, where only love endures.

Vladimir Sorokin © Maria Sorokina

The talk will be held in Russian, the reading in German by Philipp Hauß.
Consecutive interpreter: Christian Koderhold

Tickets and more information: Eine Bühne für Osteuropa: Putins Rache, Putins Gegner | Burgtheater

Cover picture: Eine Bühne für Osteuropa, Akademietheater © eSeL.at – Robert Puteanu

Eine Bühne für Osteuropa – A stage for Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe has been in a permanent state of upheaval – since the fall of communism in 1989, since the eastward expansion, which is celebrating its twentieth anniversary this year, and not least since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Cathrin Kahlweit, expert on Eastern Europe, publicist and long-time SZ correspondent, sheds light on the current situation in Eastern Europe in discussions with prominent guests as part of the series “Eine Bühne für Osteuropa”. This series of talks is a collaborative production of BurgERSTE Foundation Siedler Verlag and Karl-Renner-Institut.

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Florian Bauer

Director Social Finance, Sustainability and Innovation
Since 2023, Florian Bauer has been responsible for social finance, sustainability and social innovation at ERSTE Foundation. Prior to this role, Florian worked in the NGO & Social Entrepreneurship sector for more than 13 years. He led the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), an international multilateral NGO that works to accelerate market-based deployment of renewable energy and energy efficient systems in developing countries, and was Managing Director & COO of the Impact Hub Vienna. From 2020-2023, Florian established strategic alliances with key partners and helped to create innovative semantic technology solutions at Semantic Web Company (SWC), a leading IT company in semantic AI solutions.