Europe’s Misery: Exiting the Energy Crisis

Debating Europe


Debating Europe

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered rocketing energy prices which are hitting business and households hard across the continent. With popular discontent rising in several countries, including Germany, the EU and national governments have been scrambling to alleviate the short-term impact of the price increases while simultaneously trying to develop a long-term exit from their dependency on Russian energy and fossil fuels in general. There are even signs that the energy issue could create a dangerous split between Europe and the US. Is Europe capable of managing the immediate crisis while also maintaining its commitment to the Green Transition? And how vulnerable is that transition when Europe’s reliance on China for critical raw materials and rare earth metals is even more extreme than its current dependency on Russian energy? As part of the “Debating Europe” series at Vienna’s Burgtheater, a high-level panel including German Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir and former Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern, as well as experts on economy and energy such as Adam Tooze and Karen Pittel, will discuss the options for exiting the energy crisis, maybe Europe’s biggest challenge in decades.


Christian Kern – former Austrian Federal Chancellor

Monika Köppl Turyna – Director of Eco Austria

Cem Özdemir – German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture

Karen Pittel – Professor of Economics

Adam Tooze – Professor of History

Chaired by: Eric Frey, Der Standard

The discussion will be held in German.

Tickets and more information: Europa im Diskurs – Debating Europe | Burgtheater

Debating Europe – Europa im Diskurs

This series of public morning debates brings leading politicians, scientists and intellectuals on to the stage of Vienna’s Burgtheater to discuss topical issues of political and social relevance. This long-standing event is a collaborative production of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)BurgtheaterERSTE Foundation and Austrian daily Der Standard.

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Florian Bauer

Director Social Finance, Sustainability and Innovation
Since 2023, Florian Bauer has been responsible for social finance, sustainability and social innovation at ERSTE Foundation. Prior to this role, Florian worked in the NGO & Social Entrepreneurship sector for more than 13 years. He led the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), an international multilateral NGO that works to accelerate market-based deployment of renewable energy and energy efficient systems in developing countries, and was Managing Director & COO of the Impact Hub Vienna. From 2020-2023, Florian established strategic alliances with key partners and helped to create innovative semantic technology solutions at Semantic Web Company (SWC), a leading IT company in semantic AI solutions.